The modern rhythm of life does not allow the majority of people to treat their health with sufficient attention. Fast food and synthetic food additives lead to stomach and digestive problems. A huge number of people suffer from gastritis.
Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs, but if the right diet for gastritis is not followed, this unpleasant disease will not recede.
Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining. It occurs for many reasons:
- eating disorders, especially the habit of eating dry food, excessive love of spicy foods, "hungry" diets;
- the presence of low-quality products in the diet;
- bad habits;
- stress;
- long-term use of certain drugs;
- presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the stomach.
Gastritis manifests itself quite clearly - heartburn, pain and heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders. Getting rid of the disease is difficult; an integrated approach is needed. An appropriate diet for gastritis is essential to your recovery. The choice of diet depends on the type of your disease. Distinguish gastritis:
- erosive;
- atrophic;
- with increased or decreased acidity of the stomach;
- in acute and chronic form.
Diet for acute gastritis
With this disease, the gastric mucosa is inflamed, so it is recommended to fast. Ideally, you should completely refrain from eating and drinking on the first day, giving rest to the digestive system. It is allowed to drink some water, always warm.
Cold and hot during an exacerbation is contraindicated.

Then the diet should gradually include a weak meat broth, decoctions based on oatmeal or rice cereal. As a drink, it is better to offer the patient weak tea, decoctions with rose hips and chamomile.
In a couple of days, the diet for acute gastritis can be expanded.
Recommended food:
- viscous soups;
- milk rice, semolina, oatmeal;
- steam omelets;
- soft-boiled eggs;
- low-fat milk or skimmed milk;
- curd soufflé;
- from drinks: unsaturated compotes and jelly, weak tea with lemon or honey.
After the symptoms of gastritis disappear, you can gradually return to your usual diet. There are a number of products, even outside the period of exacerbation, are unsuitable for people prone to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis is an insidious disease, it can return at any time.
During the period of remission, it is necessary to strictly limit or completely abandon spicy, fatty and fried foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee.
Chicory on the effect on mucous membranes is comparable to coffee, it is also better to refrain from it. Such a diet after suffering acute gastritis of the stomach will help to further reduce the risk of new attacks.
Pay attention!Milk porridge or porridge on the water is a healthy breakfast dish, but avoid instant or non-boiled cereals, they are not so useful and contain additives that are harmful to a weakened stomach. During periods of exacerbation of the disease, it is better to wipe the porridge additionally.
Diet for chronic gastritis
Diet for chronic gastritis of the stomach allows you to eat:
- milk porridge, well-cooked and sparse consistency;
- puree soups or pureed vegetable soups;
- soft-boiled eggs;
- steam omelets;
- dairy products and non-acidic cottage cheese;
- well cooked meat or fish.
What sweets can you eat with chronic gastritis? It is permissible to use sugar, marshmallows, honey, various preserves and jams, some types of dried fruits (preferably non-acidic, pre-steamed).

It is better to use pasta or boiled rice as a side dish. White bread is allowed, but not fresh, but dried or stale.
Recommended drinks include milky tea with milk, still mineral water, fruit and milk jelly.
Traditional medicine advice:Freshly squeezed potato juice helps with gastritis. You need to drink it on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast outside the period of exacerbation of the disease. It is better to use young vegetables that have not accumulated harmful substances.
The list of what you can eat for gastritis is quite extensive. Under a strict prohibition are those products that contribute to the abundant formation of gastric juice, namely:
- fish and meat cooked in their own juice, as well as rich broths;
- sauces, canned food, pickled or pickled vegetables;
- fried and smoked food;
- herbs and spices;
- sour cottage cheese;
- skim milk;
- hard boiled eggs;
- ice cream, chocolate, halva;
- sour berries;
- strong tea or coffee, carbonated water, alcohol, any drinks with gas.
The list of foods that can be eaten during exacerbations of chronic gastritis also limits rough foods that irritate the stomach. These are wholemeal bread, pastries, whole grains, mushrooms, nuts, skin of birds or fish, fresh fruits and vegetables. The inflamed mucous membrane during the period of exacerbation of the disease accepts only boiled mashed food, as well as food products that have undergone careful mechanical processing, puree dishes.
Important!Outside the period of exacerbation of gastritis, fresh carrot juice is useful. The composition of carrots strengthens the walls of the gastric mucosa. and helps regulate metabolic processes. The patient needs to drink half a glass an hour before breakfast for 10 days, then take a break. But it is necessary to take it only after consulting a doctor, since treatment with carrot juice is not suitable for patients with high acidity.
Diet for gastritis with high acidity
In the case of such a diagnosis, the diet should be aimed at neutralizing high acidity, that is, at reducing the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.
To do this, the patient's menu includes:
- soups in a weak, non-concentrated broth;
- boiled meat of dietary varieties (for example, rabbit or turkey, chicken breast);
- boiled river fish and seafood;
- soft-boiled eggs;
- dairy dishes and goat milk;
- green peas, zucchini after mechanical processing, preferably in the form of puree;
- dried white bread or crackers;
- side dishes: boiled pasta, buckwheat or oatmeal;
- drinks: compotes and jelly from sweet fruits, weak tea with milk.
It is recommended to eat pureed cottage cheese. You can steam the curd soufflé. Outside the period of exacerbation, cheese cakes, dumplings and cottage cheese casseroles are added to the diet.
Advice from traditional medicine:Sea buckthorn oil is an effective treatment for the disease. It envelops the walls of the stomach, and its wound-healing properties are known to many. Well suited to help with gastritis with high acidity.
A therapeutic diet for gastritis with high acidity excludes foods that stimulate the production of gastric juice - these are salty or spicy foods, smoked and fatty foods, as well as:
- broths and borscht, sour cabbage soup;
- fresh bread;
- fermented milk products;
- confectionery;
- dried fruits and unripe fruits;
- strong tea, coffee, any drinks with gas;
- spices and seasonings;
- pickled or pickled and bitter vegetables.
Do not forget about the mechanical principle of the treatment table: products with coarse fiber are contraindicated. In the diet of a patient with gastritis there should be no bran bread, whole grains, radishes, turnips.
Important!It is forbidden to eat fresh carrots for gastritis with high acidity. Dishes that include hard-boiled or fried eggs are also prohibited for gastritis.
Diet for gastritis with low acidity
The diet for gastritis of the stomach, proceeding with a decrease in acidity and a decrease in the production of gastric juice, on the contrary, is aimed at increasing the concentration of hydrochloric acid. This diet is based on:
- viscous porridge;
- vegetable purees;
- boiled lean meat and pasta;
- meat and fish broths;
- cutlets, sausages, lean ham;
- baked potatoes;
- dried bread;
- tomatoes, fresh herbs, cinnamon, vegetable juices;
- jelly, tea and coffee;
- slightly sparkling mineral water;
- baked fruits, mousses, fruit juices.
Smoked fish for gastritis with low acidity is recommended, and it is recommended to start eating with a piece of herring. An important condition is that salted herring must first be soaked.
Traditional Medicine Tip:You can induce the production of gastric juice before you start eating in a simple and harmless way - imagine delicious food, watch ads with mouth-watering foods, or “delicious” food photos.
Restrictions in the diet of such a patient are imposed on sugary drinks with gas, fatty and fried foods, fresh or bran bread, any legumes (including pea and bean soups), hard cheese, fatty fish, chocolate and sweets.
Pay attention!It is the patients with low stomach acidity that are most attacked by the Helicobacter pylori bacteria. In such an environment, the waste products of bacteria reduce the acidity level to a minimum value.
Doctor recommends! Apples are the healthiest food for gastritis. For gastritis with high acidity, sweeter varieties of apples are chosen, and apples with sourness are suitable just with low acidity. With an exacerbation of the disease, apples are subjected to mechanical processing - they are rubbed or mashed.
Diet for atrophic gastritis
Atrophic gastritis is characterized by an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes. The incoming food is not completely broken down and absorbed. A list of what you can eat with this type of gastritis:

- dietary meat and low-fat boiled fish;
- meat or fish soups with vegetables and cereals;
- sweet fruits and berries;
- vegetables;
- non-acidic dairy products;
- mineral water, jelly, weak tea and cocoa.
Eggs for atrophic gastritis are allowed in boiled form, or cooked in a steam omelet.
Prohibited foods include fatty fish, mushroom broths, fatty meats and rich meats, sour berries and fruits, carbonated drinks, chocolate, cakes, muffins, canned foods.
Diet for erosive gastritis
Erosive gastritis is accompanied by the presence of small erosions on the walls of the stomach - defects of the mucous membrane. A therapeutic diet for erosive gastritis includes enveloping food and foods that mechanically sparing the injured mucous membrane:
- liquid soups, preferably of a viscous consistency;
- diet meats;
- steam cutlets;
- non-acidic dairy products;
- pasta;
- vegetable dishes;
- butter, cream, milk sauces;
- sweets: jelly, honey, marshmallow, marshmallow, sweet fruit preserves and jams;
- drinks: jelly, compotes, weak tea.
Rice for erosive gastritis will be an ideal breakfast option if prepared in the form of pureed mucous porridge.
You should refrain from eating traumatic and aggressive foods, namely: fatty and smoked foods, mushroom dishes, legumes, canned, salted, spicy, sour fruits and berries, raw or pickled vegetables, fresh bread and pastries, fresh juices, strong drinks, alcohol.
Oily and smoked fish are not recommended for erosive gastritis.
General advice on nutrition for gastritis
- Meals are best organized often (5-6 times a day) and regularly, observing the diet. Your schedule should include:
- first breakfast,
- lunch,
- lunch,
- afternoon tea,
- dinner.
- Eat in small portions, about 300 grams per meal. Avoid overeating and eat breakfast at specific times. Doctor advises! Try not to eat liquid and solid foods at the same time, differentiate between them.
- Avoid temperature peaks in food intake - an irritated stomach accepts food comfortably only when it is warm.
- Simplify your menu. The fewer meals a day in the diet, the easier it is to cope with the stress on the stomach.
- After each meal, you need to rest for 20 minutes, minimum physical activity.
- The diet should contain all important vitamins and minerals, as well as a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Eat baked sweet fruits, compotes, jelly and juices every day according to your allowed list of foods.
- During an exacerbation, the diet should include enough easily digestible proteins, drink at least a glass of milk.
- Don't drink food with water! You can drink 15-20 minutes after eating. Otherwise, the already malfunctioning enzymes and gastric juice will be diluted with water.
- Dishes eaten for gastritis should not irritate the stomach, therefore, it is necessary to eat slimy cereals, pureed dishes and soups every day. Food needs to be adapted as much as possible for a sore stomach, therefore, if it is not liquid enough or wiped, mechanical processing should be carried out right during a meal, that is, thoroughly chew each piece.
- Rice broth and porridge for gastritis is not only a suitable type of food, but also an effective way to obtain nutrients and remove toxins. Great choice for breakfast.Important!To feed patients with gastritis, it is better to pre-soak rice in water before cooking.
Gastritis is difficult to treat. Only complex therapy, including the intake of medicines prescribed by the doctor and strict adherence to a carefully selected diet, will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and prevent such consequences of gastritis as a stomach ulcer.