Lazy weight loss- a way to get rid of extra pounds without grueling workouts, strict diets and calorie counting.
Lazy weight loss - who is it for?
It happens that your jeans don’t fit on your stomach and you urgently need to lose weight. However, sometimes it’s simply not possible to add training to a very busy schedule - there aren’t enough days in the week. If you have neither the time nor the energy to lose excess weight, and the word "diet" terrifies you, do not despair, there is always a way out. For example, safe lazy weight loss without harm or damage to health. Many people consider this a fairy tale, but in fact everything is real. Let's figure it out now.
Correction of water-salt regime during lazy weight loss
Plain water is the first place to start healthy weight loss, since insufficient fluid intake is one of the causes of excess weight. How much to drink per day? 30–35 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight is enough. Precisely water, not juices, sweet sodas, coffee or tea with sugar and milk. In addition to regular water, you can drink herbal infusions and green tea.
Water is one of the tools to support detox and remove toxic substances and metabolic products from the body. Under conditions of dehydration, elimination processes are disrupted and toxins are deposited in adipose tissue!
Tip: try starting each main meal with a glass of warm water (38–40 °C) with a small amount of lemon juice. This has an effective effect on the body:
- stimulates intestinal function and speeds up metabolism;
- helps you understand whether you are really hungry (if you want to eat after a glass of water, this is real hunger).
Be careful when choosing drinking water. Boiled tap water is far from the best solution. You should choose filtered water. However, it is necessary to take care not only of the purity, but also of the mineral composition of the water. Therefore, it is good to enrich it. The choice is quite large:
- coral sand,
- shungite,
- ionizing rods,
- drops with minerals,
- mineral waters, etc.
The best solution is to install a reverse osmosis filter with an ionizer at home.
Tip: add one glass of mineral water to each liter of ordinary water, after releasing the gas.
People who care about their health should maintain not just water, but water-salt balance in the body. To do this, it is enough to reduce the amount of sodium in food (salt less, avoid eating processed foods, sausages, baked goods) and increase the amount of potassium (add whole plant foods to the diet).
Tip: use natural spices and herbs (rosemary, thyme and many others) instead of salt. There is no need to give up salt at all; the norm for its consumption is 3 g per day. It is better to choose pink Himalayan salt, it is rich in microelements.
How to do without counting calories when losing weight lazy
The golden method for those who want to lose weight is to burn more than they consume, that is, create a calorie deficit. Therefore, one of the popular ways is to count calories. A rather labor-intensive process that can lead to an eating disorder. We can do without him.
Method 1: Chew thoroughly.
When a person chews thoroughly, he eats less. This happens because the signal of saturation reaches the brain with a slight delay.
Many people do not know how to chew productively. Simple rules can help you focus on food:
- put away your phone, books, turn off the TV when you eat;
- Add raw vegetables to every meal. They are difficult to swallow without chewing;
- allocate 20–30 minutes for breakfast, lunch and dinner and do not get up from the table earlier;
- Having put a small piece of food in your mouth, put down the fork or spoon, and put your hands on your knees. Start chewing. You can swallow food when it turns into puree and has a sweetish taste. Only then take a fork or spoon and continue eating.
Method 2. Establishing a diet.
Try not to skip morning and afternoon meals so as not to overeat in the evening or even at night.
Tip: if you don't feel like eating, try drinking a glass of water 30 minutes before meals, adding a tablespoon of lemon juice, ginger juice and a few grains of pink salt. This drink will help whet your appetite and start the digestion process. Don’t force yourself to eat, listen to your own body and learn to decipher its signals. For example, lack of appetite in the morning may be a symptom of stagnation of bile or disrupted detoxification processes.
Method 3: Clean spaces.
Fat burning occurs when insulin levels are low, that is, between meals. Therefore, down with piecemealism, long live pure intervals! It is ideal to maintain an interval of 3-4 hours during the day and 12-16 hours at night.
- eat only at the dining table so that other objects, such as the sofa, are not associated with food;
- sour, spicy, bitter tastes effectively interrupt food cravings;
- if you can’t live without a snack, let it be raw vegetables, nuts, but not fruits.
Method 4. Narrowing the eating window.
Set a period during which you will eat food. Start, for example, with a window of 10 hours (from 9: 00 to 19: 00), gradually reducing it to 8 hours. The shorter the interval, the less food you can eat. Otherwise, "I love to eat" can turn into obesity. But this does not mean that you should consume food throughout the entire 8-10 hours - the number of meals should be 2-3.
It is necessary to remember the contraindications: insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus, cholelithiasis and bile stagnation, inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines, adrenal exhaustion, grueling physical activity. The presence of any disease requires consultation with a doctor and an integrative nutritionist.
Method 5. Selecting foods with the required calorie content.
Eat more low-calorie foods and fewer high-calorie foods. Reduce the amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet (sweets, baked goods), increase the amount of fiber (greens, raw vegetables).
Industrial products usually have a higher calorie content; there is no point in counting calories from whole foods. Provide yourself with 80% clean diet - and the process of lazy weight loss will begin! Clean diet - whole foods without labels (meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, organ meats, greens, nuts, seeds, etc. ).
Tip: If you can't eat a lot of greens, make a green smoothie. It contains useful substances: fiber - one, vitamins - two, minerals - three.
- a handful of greens,
- half a cucumber,
- half an avocado,
- half a green apple,
- water (the amount depends on the desired consistency of the smoothie).
Mix all ingredients in a blender and eat immediately. Yes, yes, this is not a mistake. It is correct to eat a smoothie with a spoon, and not drink it in one gulp.
Method 6. Introduction of a complete diet.
The basic principle of good nutrition is not to take, but to give. It is necessary to remove harmful, "junk" food from the diet, and add high-quality sources of proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, fiber from fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs, and seeds. Variety is very important!
Tip: When looking for recipes, visit culinary sites that contain real reviews. There is valuable data there.
Or you can use a ready-made formula - 326 recipes for complete meals, 23 video lessons and 13 lectures from professionals in the field of culinary and nutritional science. You will learn not only how to quickly prepare healthy and varied food, but also how to create your own recipes using special constructors, choose products, kitchen gadgets, dishes and household chemicals.
Method 7: Using the right plates.
Many people have been accustomed since childhood to finishing everything that is on their plate. Try choosing smaller plates and cutlery than you usually use.
You can use a bowl or a flat serving plate the size of two palms as a basis.
Sleep as an important part of lazy weight loss
To be energetic during the day and not try to cheer yourself up with buns and candies, you need to get enough sleep. Sleep deficiency reduces the body's reserves. A person does everything more slowly, thinks worse and overeats - "hello" to those extra pounds! This is why proper sleep helps you lose weight.
You need to fall asleep between 22: 00 and 23: 00. The more time you sleep before midnight, the better - it supports melatonin production. For those who went to bed after 24: 00, it will, of course, be difficult to immediately switch to this mode. Therefore, they should try to go to bed 15 minutes earlier every 3-4 days.
It is important to remember to turn off all electrical and electronic devices, put your phone away from your bed, or put it on airplane mode. Digital noise negatively affects the quality of your sleep.
Tips for those who can't sleep
- After 16: 00, do not drink caffeine-containing drinks - cocoa, coffee, energy drinks, black tea, matcha. Opt for herbal teas based on chamomile, valerian or passionflower;
- Take a magnesium salt bath (Epsom salt). The procedure helps normalize the emotional state, relieve stress and tension, and remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.
How to make magnesium baths:
- Fill the bathtub with warm water.
- Add 500g Epsom salt, mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
- Take a bath for 15–20 minutes.
- After the procedure, pat your body dry with a towel and rest for an hour.
- To replenish fluid, drink water, or better yet, herbal tea with lemon balm.
If you don't have the opportunity to take a bath, you can make magnesium foot baths. Dissolve 100 g of salt in 10 liters of water, the procedure lasts 30 minutes.
If you have problems falling asleep, a ritual that will prepare your body for sleep can help. For example, a bath with salt, a warm shower, reading a book, meditation (attention training).
It is good to use applicators Lyapko, Kuznetsova and others. They reflexively affect the nervous system, as a result, overexcitation is quickly relieved, which allows you to fall asleep. It is enough to lie on them for 15–20 minutes, affecting the head, neck, and back.
Advice: sleeps very well in a "cave", where it is dark (thick dark curtains or a sleep mask), humid (humidity 50–60%), quiet, cool (18–20 °C).
The main thing is to tune in every evening for an interesting tomorrow. By doing this, you will find that waking up will be much easier.
How to start the morning correctly if you are lazy about losing weight
How you spend your first hour in the morning influences your mood during the day and the quality of your sleep at night. After sleep, it is necessary to start metabolism and activate intestinal function. Every morning you should start with simple (no less effective) lymphatic drainage exercises. By doing them, you can get rid of swelling, which, in turn, will lead to rapid weight loss. And massaging problem areas (abdomen, buttocks) with a dry brush along the flow of lymph will help to easily tighten the skin.
- Exercise "Vibrating cockroach". Lying on your back, raise your arms and legs and begin to shake them quietly, as if vibrating, for a minute.
- Lymphatic drainage jumps. Do a hundred fast, low jumps. If you can't jump, rise onto your toes, hitting your heels on the floor.
Physical activity for lazy weight loss
So we get to physical activity. Many will say that they don’t like to play sports, and in general this is no longer lazy weight loss. No matter how it is. There is no need to torture yourself with hours of training and work out in the gym almost around the clock. This does more harm than good. By doing the exercises for just 5 minutes every day, you will quickly feel the results.
Sometimes it’s enough just to sit less, and also try to distribute physical activity more or less evenly throughout the day. Put away the things you need so you can get up and get to them. And in general, standing more makes work more productive.
They say, if you've done your job, go for a walk. Still, it’s better to take breaks from work. At least stand up for a few seconds, and then sit down a little differently. By the way, sitting and sitting are different. For example, squatting puts a high static load on the leg and core muscles. Instead of an office chair, you can use a sports fitball.
Don't forget about walking. To the well-known methods (replacing an elevator ride with walking up the stairs, going shopping at a distant store), you can add walking on an uneven surface (earth, sand, stones). This burns more calories than walking on smooth asphalt.
Play badminton, volleyball, cycling, roller skating, or roller skating with your children or friends. Choose the types of games that you like. In this case, you will have fun and lose weight at the same time. The minimum number of steps per day should be at least 8, 000, and preferably 10, 000.
- Don't try to train intensely right away. It’s better a little bit, but often;
- If you are taking medications and still cannot lose weight, check with your doctors to see if the medications are affecting you. Doctors should try to find an alternative.
It is clear that everyone wants to lose weight quickly. The main thing to remember is that excessive physical activity is harmful and detrimental to your health. Strict diets always lead to breakdowns.